the power of an hour

At this time my arty adventures, blogging, creative pursuits…. are not a major source of income (I did sell a handful of pieces in the last month, so I can actually claim my art-work as a possible income stream - if only a droplet… for now.) So, I do have a day-job and other in-real-life-responsibilities (IRLRs) that require time, effort, and thought. However, while it seems there is no limit of these IRLRs, I have realized if I don’t make it a priority to heed my creative spirit (or my health, family, internal compass, ….) some terribly unbecoming behaviors will make themselves known. It became apparent to me that I needed to reclaim time for ME, MY ART, MY SOUL. Now I schedule at least one 1-hour self appointment in a week, to do something dedicated to my own art and well being. For example, on a weekday, I have recently made the effort to get up early, pack my art bag, and get to the art studio and spend ONE HOUR making, just me doing something creative. Then when my timer goes off, I pack it up, and drive to the office. I have found that this single sacred sixty minute self allowance brings joy and expansion of spirit. It is indeed true, “if mama ain’t happy, nobody gonna be happy.” I will concede that the initial preparation might need a push, but once it becomes more routine, the benefits leave me wondering why I didn’t figure it out sooner?! And then I think, what other wondrous hours/portals/opportunities await if I apply this to other areas in my life? …. to be continued….
